Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back from Wanshan Island.

Liz and I just returned with our American friend Luke from a little two-day sojourn out to Wanshan Island. I'll keep this short (photos will be up later) as I'm fairly exhausted from laying around on a beach, eating mountains of seafood, and enjoying the nightlife a little too thoroughly.

The beach wasn't awesome. It was more than adequate, but also kind of small, dirty and only accessible by boat. On the plus side, there were never more than about 50 people.

The village we stayed in was little more than a small fishing port. Had maybe three or four restaurants and the requisite bbq spot, all right on the water next to the fishing trawlers. Our hotel was fine - relatively clean, safe, bug free, nice view, and at the top of a million flights of stairs. Almost everyone we met was really nice (except some folks at Karaoke...long story). And the food...oh the food. Piles of seafood, all caught within the last few days and all freshly killed and cleaned. There were these kind of lobster/shrimp looking things called lei niao sha...and quarter-sized clams that you dip in spicy soy sauce...I could go on and on. More to come after we get some sleep.

1 comment:

mullins said...

I was going to make a sandwich for lunch today, but I was out of bread. So then I was going to use a hamburger bun, but my last hamburger bun was moldy. :(